The indication "100% UV protection" mentioned on sun lenses refers only to the UV transmission that reaches the front of the eye .
Up to 50% of UV light reaches the eye through the back of the lens and can be reflected by the existing treatments.If sun exposure can cause skin burns, imagine the effects on your eyes if they are not protected.
Anti-UV coating on the back of your sunglasses or prescription glasses can provide a better protection against harmful UV rays. The lenses with a high Eye-Sun Protection Factor (E-SPF) are available for both clear and tinted lenses. Your eyes and the sensitive skin around them are optimally protected with this glasses .
E-SPF (Eye Sun Protection) is more important than UV protection factor
The higher the E-SPF, the better the UV protection of the eye.
BVB : E-SPF 25 = The wearer is 25 times more protected than without the lens.